Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dr. Robert Ornelas, Top Ambassador for Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington DC Accepts Vice Presidential Candidacy

Dr. Robert Ornelas with Dr. Clyde Rivers

This is an encouraging day for the Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington DC, to have Dr. Robert Ornelas, an Ambassador for the Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington DC to the Native American Nations, accept the Vice Presidential candidacy of the United States of America on an Independent Ticket.

Co-Chairman of the Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington DC, Dr. Clyde Rivers shared with us today, “I have personally known Dr. Ornales for 15 years and can say with all confidence he has proven himself to be a man of God, as well as a voice for the next generation. His candidacy is a great honor for the Latin communities throughout the United States and the Body of Christ.”

Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington DC on Capital Hill

Dr. Clyde Rivers, Co-Chairman of Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington DC
                with Dr. Robert Ornelas, Newly Appointed Vice Presidential Candidate on an Independent Ticket

The Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington DC was invited as a guest for the National Day of Prayer, an annual event on Capital Hill.

Co-Chairman of the Congressional Prayer Conference of Washington DC, Dr. Clyde Rivers said today, “It is a magnificent day when we, as Americans, have the ability to call upon Jesus Christ to help our nation from Capital Hill – one of the most prestigious location of the Government of the United States. It was encouraging to see so many groups praying for our nation on the National Day of Prayer.”

It was reported that over 40,000 groups were gathered together for prayer for American on the National Day of Prayer.